Hitting the Reset Button: Deciding to Start a Challenge

Today I am just a few days shy of 2 months into a major life change.

If you know me in life or you follow me online, you probably remember seeing me shuffling boxes, posting happy goodbyes and also having a lot of teary moments.  While in the middle of living my best life (as pictured below)

my family was heading into turmoil.  A series of unfortunate events that started with my Grandfather in the hospital and a hurricane's devastation ended with my Mom having an emergency brain tumor removed and me on a last minute flight and a several hour drive to get there. It soon after forced a quick decision to move down south (a place I've never lived) to help the family, support my Mom as she beats cancer again and just generally keep things poppin' so we can go back to kicking it.

*As you can see, give us a horn and party is upon us

Being wrapped up in an out of state move coupled with multiple goodbye engagements had me living a mixture of living my best life and my hardest one.

Reasonably relaxing some of my healthy lifestyle constraints, eating out more often, partying with friends, and going crazy on seamless when #BOXLIFE was getting to be too much was part of the contract.


Once I left, these relaxed standards soon morphed into adjusting to the new norms of my surroundings, which as I unpacked, included A LOT of fast food (thanks Arby's for all the coupons, you really shouldn't have), fried food, and a ton more meat in general.  It also came with new challenges, negotiating things in the past that I haven't had to deal with, like sweets in the house I didn't buy (thanks Mom).

During this transition, I did my best to maintain some self-care techniques and a fitness regimen so I wouldn't spiral, but the reality was that I was.

Fundamentally I had the desire to change but coming fresh off a move I had a lot of things up in the air, and I didn't feel grounded enough to make a lot of changes at once. I quietly vowed to at least stop with the fast food (then went 2 last times) and thought about the last thing that kept me feeling good about my trajectory.  Prior to all this nonsense, I was living my best life, and the lead up to it had been me creating Intense 365.


If you want a bit of a throwback on the start of my first go around you can check out #INTENSE365 on Insta or take a look at THIS .


Check back tomorrow and I'll share more about what #Intense365 is and was for me, why I'm going to do it again, how you can participate